CA Nalini Ray


CA Nalini Ray is having a experience of 25 years with qualification of FCA, LLB & DISA .He is an expert in all kinds of audits.

Dr.Manoj Fogla


CA.Manoj Fogla is having a experience of 26 years with qualification of FCA , Ph.D & LLB .He is an expert in NGO, Taxation, CSR.

CA Ranjeet Kumar Agarwal


CA Ranjeet Agarwal is having a experience of 15 years with qualification of FCA, ACA & DISA .He is the central council member of ICAI.

CA M P C Deep


CA M P C Deep is having a experience of 23 years with qualification of FCA & DISA .He is an expert in all kinds of audits.

CA Manoj Kumar Agrawalla


CA Manoj Kumar Agrawalla is having a experience of 14 years .He is an expert in all kinds of audits.

CA Udaya Nanda


CA Udaya Nanda is having a experience of 12 years .She is an expert in all kinds of audits.

CA Sugata Priyadarsini


CA Sugata Priyadarsini is having a experience of 10 years with qualification of FCA, LLB & DISA .He is an expert in all kinds of audits.

CA Selu Jhunjhunwala


CA Selu Jhunjhunwala is having a experience of 5 years .She is an expert in all kinds of audits.

CA Harsha Saraf


CA Harsha Saraf is having a experience of 4 years with qualification of ACA & ACS .She is an expert in Ind AS.